Why Outsource Subro?
It is always a difficult decision to handle subrogation in-house or to outsource the effort. Here are four good reasons to outsource. We can help you collect more!
Cost Effective - Outsourcing your subrogation efforts for recovery from third parties is always cost effective. Rather than having cost for staff and overhead, let us handle the recovery efforts for you. We provide you with the opportunity to focus on the front end claim investigation and handling. We’ll take care of the recovery. If there’s no recovery - you pay nothing!
Find “Lost” Recovery - As part of our outsourcing, we will do closed claims audits to fi nd any missed recovery opportunities. How many opportunities are being missed in your claims processing? How would you know? We will review and report on our fi ndings. It is a win-win. More recovery and an opportunity for your staff to identify even more potential recovery opportunities in the future.
Maximize Recoveries - We specialize in subrogation. We also bring a fresh review to the fi le. Therefore, we will likely find opportunities that your staff, no matter how skilled, will overlook. Recovery is our business.
Improve Productivity - Outsourcing will allow you to increase employee productivity and focus your staff on your core business. We’ll help even further by providing your staff with ongoing continuing education at no additional cost.